The 10 Most Beautiful Places in Palestine 

Here are the top 10 places to visit during your stay in Palestine. These places are highly recommended if you want to learn more about the history, monuments, and heritage of Palestine, which will make your journey more enjoyable and provide you with the valuable information you need to better understand this land and its people...

1- Al-Aqsa Mosque

Jerusalem is the third holiest place for all Muslims in the world. This is the Al-Aqsa Mosque or the "Farthest Mosque" which is located in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Jews also revere the same place and claim that the mosque was built on the ruins of the Temple of the Prophet Solomon. Many extremist Jewish organizations have used this argument to rebuild the temple, as they thought in the past.

2- The Dom of the rock

The Cathedral of the Rock is an octagonal four-door building. It is part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and one of the holiest places for Muslims.

It is the only old Islamic building that retained its form and decoration. The name of the place derives from the Islamic belief that Muhammad was moved using a rock inside the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to al-Aqsa during the night trip. This rock rises one and a half meters above the ground.

3- The Nativity Church

The Church of the Nativity is the birthplace of Christ. Located in the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem. It was built by Emperor Constantine in 335.

The Church of the Nativity is one of the oldest churches in Palestine and indeed in the whole world. More importantly, religious rituals continue to occur regularly, and since the beginning of the sixth century AD, when Roman Emperor Justinian built the church in its present form.

In 2012, the church was inscribed on the World Heritage List and is, therefore, the first Palestinian site to be listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

4- The old city in Jerusalem

The Old City of Jerusalem consists of several neighborhoods, such as the Christian quarter located to the northwest of the city. Here you will find the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Mamila Pond, The Path of Pains, and the Herodian Reservoir.

Armenian Christians are found in the Armenian quarter, located in the southwest corner of the Old City. This neighborhood contains the Gate of Zion, and to the south of this gate, you will find the historic Mount Zion. It is also home to the Tower of David, a fortification of a temple in the late first century, an Armenian Orthodox monastery and cathedral, and a museum.

The Jewish quarter is located southeast of the Old Town. Here you will find the Mount of Olives where Jesus is believed to have often made speeches. There are many Christian churches in this neighborhood.

The Islamic quarter is located northeast of the Old City. This neighborhood, apart from its name, has many Christian attractions such as Ecce Homo and half via Dolorosa Street. It's the largest area in the Old Town. It also includes historic sites, such as Bethesda baths, that were built between 800 and 200 BC.

5- Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is located in Jericho, one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world. The Dead Sea is a major tourist attraction. It is 50 km long and 15 km wide. It is the salty sea on the planet and its salt concentration is seven times higher than that of salt in the Earth's oceans. The sea contains clay rich in minerals and salts, known for its beneficial effects on the skin. It is also one of the richest clays.

6- Ibrahim Mosque

The Ibrahim Mosque is located in the Old City of Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank of Palestine. It is similar in its construction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and is surrounded by a large wall built with large stones. Each of these stones is approximately seven meters long.

The oldest sacred building is still in use to this day and surprisingly it has been almost continuously over the centuries. Besides, the mosque is the fourth holiest place for Muslims and the second holiest place for Jews after the Temple Mount.

The Tomb of the Patriarchs is divided into two places of worship that receive Muslims and Jews: the mosque and the temple. The site of the Tomb of the Patriarchs is under close surveillance.

Visitors and tourists must present passports, visas, or identity documents to pass Israeli checkpoints to reach the site. Once the barrier is over, visitors can walk freely.

7- Mar Saba

Mar Saba is a Greek Orthodox monastery located in the eastern part of Bethlehem, in the city of Obaidi. It was built between 478 AD and 484 AD by Monk Saba with the help of 5,000 monks. Today it is considered one of the oldest inhabited monasteries in the world.

8- Hisham Palace

Located 5 km north of Jericho, Hisham Palace is one of the most important tourist attractions in Palestine. Umayyad caliph Hisham ibn Abdul Malik between 724 and 743 A.D. built the palace. The palace has a range of buildings, baths, mosques, and grand halls.

9 - Old City in Nablus

The old city of Nablus has important sites from the first to the 15th century. The Old City has six main neighborhoods: Yasmina. West. A village. Aqaba. Cesarean. And a rope. All these neighborhoods have historical sites. There are also six baths in the Old Town (Turkish baths). Al-Shifa Bath was built in 1624 and al-Hana Bath was built in the Yasmina area in the 19th century.

In the Old Town, you will find shops that produce olive oil soap and some agricultural products such as cheese and thyme. There is also one of the oldest and most famous confectionery shops in Palestine, which offers Kunafa, the most famous oriental sweets in the Levant. lp of 5,000 monks. Today it is considered one of the oldest inhabited monasteries in the world.

10- The old city in Hebron

Hebron's Old City is located next to the Ibrahimi Mosque. The place is talking about winding alleys. Old houses; shops and markets are worth a visit. Unfortunately, most of them have been closed by the Israeli authorities and are deploying Israeli forces to protect the presence of Jews trying to control real estate in this area.

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